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Old 12-21-2011, 09:35 AM   #177
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What are the verse references for this statement?

I am aware of the verse references that use members of a body to describe our relationship in the church and to Christ.

I am also aware of the verses that compare the relationship of the church as a corporate body to Christ as being similar to a Bride and a groom.

But I do not recall the verses that describe a believers relationship with Christ as being the same as a spouse's relationship to their spouse.

Also, the point I remember WL making is that the revelation of the Body in the NT is not a metaphor or analogy, the church is the Body of Christ, not like the Body of Christ. The argument was that you can come up with various interpretations, but saying that the use of the Body in the NT was merely allegorical and a figure of speech is not viable. I also remember that he realized saying that "the Body is Christ" was controversial (hence some would not receive that).
All references in Scripture to our connection with God are in reference to a relationship with a Person. There is no connection with God outside of a personal relationship. This is plain in Scripture. Every picture reference (vine, Body, etc) are all a way of describing this personal relationship.

There are no impersonal, unconscious connections with God suggested in Scripture, given that the vast majority of the descriptions are plainly about our relationship with a conscious personal entity.
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