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Old 12-21-2011, 07:48 AM   #174
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Default Uncertainty Principle

I think WL has the right to coin new phrase to describe what he found and help others understand the Bible, just as some scholars before us adopted the term "Trinity" which is not in the Bible. Plus, I believe WL's "four-in-one" phrase is still in the boundary of the Biblical teachings.

But, I'm very sorry that he didn't consult with other Christians before he decided to publicly use that phrase. At least my "Body-sense" tells me so, if all the reborn Christians comprise the Church. He seemed always lonely on his leadership position, which I think is not Biblical.

Heisenberg, a very famous scientist, found "The Uncertainty Principle" which says that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision. I still remember when I first learned that proven principle at colledge. The implication of this principle is very clear. Human beings are not omniscient, no matter how he tries to understand somethng (I mean physical somethng), he cannot from the start.

And I believe that even in the spiritual realm, the case is the same. But I'm afraid, my dear brothers, you are trying to do that here. just my 2 cents...
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