Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?
Leomon and John,
I think one important thing is to realize pictures are pictures and plain words are plain words. Lee tried to get us to look at pictures like they were plain words, and so always pushed these pictures beyond what is balanced. Since the branches are in some sense part of the vine and the body is in some sense the person therefore we must (he felt) go around with the concept that we are part of Christ.
In a sense (important phrase) we are. But not to the sense Lee and the LRC took it. We are part of Christ in the same type of way spouses are part of each other. It's a relational attachment with a real spiritual element.
We tended to look at it as an unconscious spiritually-physical attachment (if you get my meaning). That's taking it too far and even missing the real point.
The point is conscious relationship, not unconscious default connection.