Originally Posted by Guest 1
“If we only have two choices”
That really is the key phrase here. The problem with WL’s teaching is that you were not given other choices. Instead, if WL was merely considered one of many gifted Bible expositors that the saints and elders could read and study I would be inclined to recommend his teachings. At one point I had 25 different NT translations on my bookshelf. Yet the reality was I read from one or two Bibles unless I was studying a particular verse. In the same way, if you had 25 different bible expositions on your shelf I see nothing wrong with one of them being WL. But, if you believe that only one is the “oracle” that to me is the fundamental error of WL. Bad Lee is not that he taught that the Body of Christ is Christ. Bad Lee is that he taught that all other Christian teachers were devoid of any value. We had a bookstore in our hall. We were actively coerced into buying WL’s writings while at the same time being berated if we showed an interest in other teachers. That to me is “Bad Lee”.
Amen! You have hit on the core issue because regardless of what is taught if you believe God's one oracle is speaking you have to accept it and that is the central fundamental flaw in the LC structure.
I would only change one little thing: "...I would be inclined to recommend his teachings" to "I would be inclined to recommend SOME of his teachings"