Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield
The churches in China have undergone extreme persecution. As such, they are flourishing, and the so-called "ground of locality" probably isn't that important to them anymore. Just finding any piece of ground upon which to meet is more often a real challenge.
I would invite anyone to do a Google search for "Canaan Hymns." This sister, can't remember or pronounce her name, started writing hymns when she was just a little girl. She has now written over 900 of them, and they have swept China. To witness saints being caught up in rapturous worship to the Lord, singing her hymns, is a most moving experience. In fact, I even saw a clip of over a million Africans gathered somewhere totally caught up in the Lord, singing one of her hymns.
And what's marvelous about it is the Lord's spontaneous move, without any of man's planning, or methods, or "proper ground," or any such thing. This is how God moves. Just when you think you have Him figured out, processed, and boxed for shipment, He suddenly arises out of nowhere, through what seems to be the most unlikely vessel.
Find the YouTube clips for "Canaan Hymns." There is English translation. You will be deeply touched.