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Old 12-13-2011, 08:25 AM   #173
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The problem is with the initial premise. All bad teachings thus originate from this "someone" and his successors based on this premise. This original premise prevents any of the members from having a point of comparison or a standard by which these teachings can be vetted, since all "outsiders" are deemed unreliable, being a part of the failed "system."

Whether LC'ers like to admit it or not, the teaching of the ground of locality requires them to believe the premise is true -- that God has given up on the whole of the body of Christ.
And to help prop up this false premise they use remnant ecclesiology i.e. God has especially chosen them from the elect. They are the elect of the elect. And therefore it logically follows they are God's best. The apple of His eye. And so the tale unfolds further: if you want to be in God's very best; what He is doing on the earth today; the up-to-date move of God, you must leave the church you attend and attend our church - which of course is the church produced by the ministry with the one administration appointed by the one apostle.

They will always find some people who want to feel special to join their group but mostly this kind of ecclesiology causes people to just shake their heads and laugh. Which is probably why their LC membership is so small - especially in the U.S.
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