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Old 12-06-2011, 11:33 AM   #91
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Be wise as serpents harmless as doves

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
In this case, I do not believe Lee's action was innocent. In 2006, Sandee told me that there was a background situation simmering in the church in Anaheim at that time with a few older sisters. Lee's comment threw fuel on that situaton and turned it into a fire.
I believe that is likely. Based on reports Witness Lee did not want anything made an issue. Is it at possible the sisters in question had gone to Witness Lee previously and at the time he choose to disregard their concerns? Comes back to the Max/Phillip confrontation. It wasn't until after Max confronted Phillip, were the sisters concerns considered?
Ironically I lived in Anaheim during this time period until mid-79. I am curious whether my mom and the sisters she were close to had any fellowship with Sandee, Ann, or Harriet?
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