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Old 12-05-2011, 08:14 AM   #137
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?


In response to your general question, I would suggest that the ongoing legacy of Lee's ministry is to be obscure and unknown.

In other contexts, I have noted that Nee is considered by many to generally be among the "Inner Life" teachers that began to arise in the 20th century. He may have come and gone before many of the other more notable members of that genre, but, ignoring the problems I see in his ministry, he fits in fairly well with that group — at least as far as the portions of his writings that have been made available in the US are concerned.

And I have noted that the Inner Life movement was, to some extent, part of the move to bring spirituality, even a kind of appreciation of the "mystical" side of the faith, back into the heavily intellectual base of the Evangelicals and fundamentalists.

But as little of Nee as is actually out there in general, I would say that his impact is fairly small. And Lee will never be because he tied his teaching to a "we are it and you are not" theology. It is too tainted for more than a few studying the effects of extreme Christians sects to even take note.

And the continued discovery of the errors, even though many may be somewhat small, will put even more people on alert. In fact, it may be the proliferation of small errors that is the most egregious because it is in the constant mixture of error with truth that the truth becomes unrecognizable. I can feel more comfortable reading Rob Bell's Heaven Wins and know where I take exception to him than I can reading Lee and always having to look to see if he has altered the tint of virtually everything so as to seem correct but actually be pointing us ever so slightly over Russian airspace. (Not dissing Russians, but noting that it was a faulty entry of coordinates that sent that passenger (Korean Air?) jet over Russian airspace back when the cold war was still in vogue.)
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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