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Old 12-04-2011, 07:08 PM   #83
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Default Re: Be wise as serpents harmless as doves

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
They didn't use the word "payback" but they said the change toward them was definitely related to Max confronting Phillip (and Lee) about Phillip's sins. Sandee said that at first she could not understand why "Witness" did not just speak privately to her and ask that she and the other sisters stop sitting together in the meetings. She was around him constantly, as she often helped the Lee's with family matters, errands, trips to the doctor, etc., so it would have been an easy thing for him to do. (They had considered Witness Lee to be a true friend. He and Max were constantly together until the Phillip matter became an issue. Sandee also had played a big role in helping with Susannah's wedding/marriage preparations, if I remember correctly.)

At first Sandee could not understand why Lee spoke to her and the other two sisters in public about his "concern" about how they sat together. Then after a little time, it became clear what was afoot. They realized that Lee was taking steps to discredit them. They said that Lee had to move carefully in doing this because they were very close to the brothers and sisters in Anaheim, many of whom they had been personally involved with, helping them with problems, etc. They said Lee was not involved with the brothers and sisters there practically other than by standing at the podium and teaching them. Because of this, he had to gradually undermine the Rapaports or such actions could have blown up in his face.

The reason I am writing that "they" told me these things is because Matt and I had two long talks in person with both Max and Sandee in January 2006, not long after I talked to her on the phone for the first time.

Thankful Jane
Should you know, what was the timeline of Max confronting Phillip vs Witness Lee calling out "The holy sisters"? As I have believed, Max was not present that weekend.
I agree with Ohio, it does seem like payback. Something more I think it is far easier for brothers to humiliate sisters as they did that weekend. Sisters by nature are submissive. Brother's by nature aren't going to take the abuse you were subjected to.
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