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Old 12-04-2011, 01:38 PM   #123
Paul Cox
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Posts: 181
Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?


A grafted branch is only hitching a ride with the tree to which it is grafted, and, as you point out, draws it's sustenance from the parent tree. The two never at any time co-inhere. The one part of the tree continues to be what it is by nature, and produce what it produces by nature, and the other part does the same. Hybrid breeding seems to be a better example of "mingling" than does grafting. I should know, I'm a hybrid. Can't divide me up into my 4 percentages. Anyway...

Now, I pointed out something earlier that you refused to answer. Maybe you are too intellectual to stoop to my level. But give it a try. Stooping (humbling) can be very good for the Christian progress. Lee said that mingling is irreversible. It is in one of the Corinthian footnotes. If you need me to copy paste it I can. So, according to you, the joining takes place, resulting in irreversible (according to Lee) mingling. Is that right? Yet, in I cor. 6, Paul was addressing behavior that had to do with sexual immorality. He was talking about a choice one makes to either be joined with a harlot, and become one body with her, or join one's self to the Lord and be one spirit with Him.

Lee's teaching that being "mingled" with the Lord is irreversible is misleading at best. From II Cor. 7:1 it is clear that one can be defiled in both the flesh and the spirit. If joining ourselves to the Lord results in irreversible "mingling" then there would be no need for any admonition from the Apostles. Go home Paul, I got this.

And here is another thought. Could it be that in the Lord's prayer, in John 17, that the Lord wasn't talking about "co-inherence" of the Triune God at all? So many of the Local Church teachings are based upon Witness Lee's assumptions and leaps. If "Bruther Lee" said it that makes it the word from on high.

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