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Old 12-03-2011, 05:19 PM   #112
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post

You make interesting arguments when you choose to. My observation is that you retreat to a fall back position, a moral argument, very quickly, and the same one at that.
Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
Discrediting you? No, not at all. You simply engage in one line of argument. Maybe that is your thing. That's fine too.
Dear Cassidy, what you call "retreating to one line of argument," I consider being focused on the "weightier" matters. I understand you would like to debate scriptural words and phrases such as "just as," as was done the other day. That is your retreat. Reminds me of the years of word games I endured with LSM. They have seasoned wordsmiths on staff who love to keep all the issues on some esoteric literary level.

To coin a phrase, "I'm a simple man, I have no use for words." LSM uses words to deceive, to coverup their actions, and to attack those who are eyewitnesses and "whistle-blowers" for their many improprieties. The Bible tells us plainly not to sue our brothers, but LSM will pen a dozen booklets to justify this practice, and eventually their entire membership agrees with them to make void the word of God in order to keep their traditions.

Perhaps other posters have the time and interest to engage you in endless doctrinal debates.
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