Originally Posted by Cassidy
However, we have yet another clear direct statement from the Lord concerning His Body which is also instructive. He says to Saul, who held the coats of those who stoned Stephen, and who while arresting the believers who call on His name in various cities throughout the region on the road to Damascus:
“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,”
Was Saul persecuting His believers or persecuting Jesus?
The answer is yes. Just as if you were punching me in the arm and I would then tell you to stop hitting me. Because my arm is me.
The whole "my arm is me so the Body is Christ" is vague and gimmicky. And Lee used it to support conclusions which probably should not be made. As I said, your body isn't you in the purest sense. Your soul/spirit is, but not your body.
I've heard that argument before and the Body could be explained just as validly and more accurately the way I did.
The question becomes then, who do you want to side with and why. I choose not to side with Lee because he hasn't shown me the kind of righteous, holy and loving living that going out on the limb with him on a teaching like that would require. Plus many other smarter, more educated, more humble, more devout and more righteous men would disagree with him. That's good enough for me. Only the Lord knows why you choose Lee over others.
So, let's leave it at that,
Bilbo. I know from experience that you'll beat this horse forever if we let you.