Originally Posted by Igzy
Well, such an argument is certainly not decisive, it's quite tenuous in fact. The bottom line is that 1 Cor 12:12 is not enough to go around making the claim that the Body becomes God.
I believe the Body is Christ in the sense that it is the extension of Christ as our own bodies are extensions of us. But no one believes his body is him in the same way our soul/spirit is. In like manner, we should not think the Body is Christ in the same way Christ is Himself. Which is what Lee seemed to believe and what you seem to be defending.
But again, the tenuous scriptural support for this belief, along with its controversial and fringe nature is enough to label it as "bad Lee." Only fringe groups, and I would consider Eastern Orthodox fringe, defend such ideas. You know someone by the company he keeps.
Your claiming it is not decisive does not make it any less real either.
However, we have yet another clear direct statement from the Lord concerning His Body which is also instructive. He says to Saul, who held the coats of those who stoned Stephen, and who while arresting the believers who call on His name in various cities throughout the region on the road to Damascus:
“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute
Me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “
I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,”
Was Saul persecuting His believers or persecuting Jesus?
The answer is yes. Just as if you were punching me in the arm and I would then tell you to stop hitting me. Because my arm is me.
From this incident and the events that followed Paul develops His great teachings on the the Church as the Body of Christ. For Paul, the Body of Christ was a reality.
And it is a good bet that Paul was a member of a fringe group but he had no interest in defending Eastern Orthodox ideas.
All of this is "good Lee" sound orthodox biblical teaching that cuts straight the Word of God.