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Old 12-02-2011, 12:51 PM   #63
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
And what exactly are Witness Lee's credentials that makes him qualified to be teaching a whole Christian movement about these complex, difficult and mysterious subjects?

Presumptuous? Don't know about you but none of us have to presume anything when it comes to Witness Lee and his teachings. You are dealing with people who have over a century (centuries) of combined "quality time" sitting in those hard plastic seats, 10 days at a time, three times a day, pen in paper in hand, listening to, taking copious notes on and being tested on every word that Witness Lee taught. Then for the rest of the six months we lived it, breathed it, pray-read it, sung it - this was called "the church life". Actually the quote in question is not complex or difficult or mysterious to most of us. It's vintage Witness Lee. We presume very little around here. And you?
Those are all experiences that make up your world view. Thousands of others sat in those same hard seats, did all the same things, and have an opposite view.

What does that prove? Is there something definitive about that other than everyone who sat in those seats got callouses on their buttocks?

And for credentials for teaching first and foremost the person must be given by God to the Body. For me I personally pay attention to someone who is gifted, uses the Bible, and is a born-again christian. It is a plus when a teacher also through revelation opens the Bible with valuable inspiring insight. Externals such as education, PHD in theology, low-born or high-born, rich country or poor country mean little to nothing compared to the other.
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