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Old 12-02-2011, 10:30 AM   #56
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The point was "Four-in-one God" is sloppy term to use. He shouldn't have done it. The fact that you have to jump through so many hoops to explain what you think he meant proves my point.

The Bible does not teach that we become God, whether the Godhead or otherwise. Lee mistaught. That's "bad Lee."

That (or otherwise") is the fundamental point of departure Igzy, between your understanding and WL's on this particular topic.

Though I hold a different view from you yet, I am not even trying to change your mind about that either. I would not even object to anyone being disgruntled about the use of the term "four-in-one" because it sounds too much like the Godhead term "three-in-one". A fair critique.

What I did object to is attributing a teaching to Witness Lee that he never held or taught. He has never taught that the Body collectively or any single member individually becomes incorporated into the Godhead and usually added that clarification as he did in the passage you quoted. But those clarifications are often overlooked because people tend to filter through the lens of their own personal beliefs. And in some cases people know WL did not teach a certain thing but for other reasons (that only God knows and will judge) they purposely mis-represent his teachings. For them there will be a greater judgment I believe. I do not think that you are purposely misrepresenting WL though just to be clear.
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