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Old 12-02-2011, 07:41 AM   #35
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Here is WL's quote:
"Ultimately, the church is a group of people who are in union with the Triune God and are mingled with the Triune God. The Triune God and the church are four-in-one. Because the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all one with the Body of Christ, we may say that the Triune God is now the “four-in-one God.” These four are the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Body. The Three of the Divine Trinity cannot be confused or separated, and the four-in-one also cannot be separated or confused."
WL says "the Triune God is now the “four-in-one God.” WL is saying "the body is God." That is an undeniable conclusion of his statements here. Does this not blow your fuses Cassidy? Did you read that? Then you attempt to derail this thread by nit-picking "just as, even as, like as, etc."

Anyways, if you are enamored by these statements, that is your choice, and the liberty you have. The facts of history tell us that some of these so-called "high peak truths" really were diversionary in nature. They were simply smokescreen to divert the attention of the LC's away from the chaotic events surrounding Anaheim, with the subsequent quarantines.
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