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Old 12-02-2011, 07:29 AM   #34
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
I have no thesis, Igzy. Jesus said "just as" so it is "just as". We can choose to ignore that or we can determine what he meant. Witness Lee said this way according to your base note:

"The Three of the Divine Trinity cannot be confused or separated, and the four-in-one also cannot be separated or confused."

How could it be more plain? How would you describe it?
I'd would stop short of saying the Body becomes part of God.

LRC logic makes a habit of jumping to tenuous conclusions, of reductio ad absurdum, of misusing logic.

Here's an analogous example of the type of logic Lee and his followers indulge in on a regular basis: I am a man, but I'm also a woman. How? Because I am joined to my wife and am one flesh with her, therefore I also have a woman's body. So I am a woman, too.

This is the same type logic the LRC uses when it says stuff like "we have God's life and nature therefore we become God." It's just invalid reasoning and speaking.

Since you have never learned to think critically about Lee's teaching, but have been trained to accept it and defend it, it's hard for you to see that.

Put another way, if Lee was a comedian instead of a teacher, you would all be laughing at some of his more extreme jokes, but no one else would be. No one else would think they were funny. And when you explained why they were funny people might say, "that doesn't make sense" or "that's in bad taste." To which you would answer, "But can't you see if you look at it like this, and hold your head like that, and flap your arms, that on Tuesdays it might be funny?" To which they might answer, "Uh, maybe..." To which you would say, "See? They can't prove those jokes aren't funny!"
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