Originally Posted by Ohio
Dear Cassidy, the "deviation" as you label it, occurred as I explained in my other posts.
Regardless of how "effortlessly" these teachings should be "reconciled," without our concerns about their "spiritual integrity," these teachings and their teacher still need to pass certain biblical tests. I already had given WL and his ministry every benefit of the doubt for close to thirty years. No one could question my devotedness nor my loyalty to the ministry of WL and the cause of the Recovery. The real "deviation" in any of WL's teachings has to be weighed against the scripture.
I agree wholeheartedly Ohio and that is why I said "
scriptural integrity", not "spiritual integrity" as you say above.
You said your point of departure with Witness Lee was his use of the term "
just as" when referring to the oneness between the Father, Son and his believers. I call your attention to the Lord Jesus' use of the same term to describe the oneness in John 17 and you characterize it as "mysterious". Indeed it is, nevertheless established by His speaking.
Therefore, if your issue is with the term "j
ust as" then you need to blame Jesus (or at least mention it to him

) for using ambiguous terms to describe this mystery.
I actually thought your issue with describing the oneness between the believers and God would not be with "
just as" since that is the exact term used by Jesus, but rather your issue would be with "
Just as" has not only scriptural integrity it is scripture verbatim.