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Old 12-01-2011, 03:39 PM   #14
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
If you intended to make the case against the whole of Witness Lee's teaching with the example you used you failed to do so. Just because you do not agree or understand what Witness Lee meant does not mean that everyone else should reject it as you have. Until, you can make a scriptural case against the great truth of the Body of Christ then I think the testimony of scripture is sufficient.

So yes, one does not need to accept or reject the whole.
Cassidy, the phrase "three-in-one," while not being scriptural per se, has long been accepted by the orthodox church as a description of the mystery of our God -- Father, Son, and Spirit. To now apply this to the present day body of Christ, using the expression "four-in-one," is a stretch of hyperbole no Christian scholar is willing to make. The Bible frankly does not say it, so why should we? Does not the Bible provide us with enough fellowship and teaching concerning God Himself, that we need not add to the Bible, especially those phrases fraught with danger?

I was under the teachings of WL for three decades. I surely know what WL meant.
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