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Old 12-01-2011, 10:15 AM   #4
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Lee's late-in-life output more and more took on this characteristic of heady metaphysical speculation, as if he felt the need to push the envelope more and more to show he was still receiving "recovered truth."

Should a person risk taking in ideas like the "four-in-one God" in order to obtain the good things Lee has to offer? Why when there are so many decent, healthy and down-to-earth alternatives out there?
WL had the character trait that only wanted to hear positive feedback. Hence, over time he became surrounded by handlers who only sang his praises. He had no contemporaries to balance his teachings, which continually pushed the envelope to new limits. This danger exists with all Christian leaders, though unfortunately, when it comes to their own ministries, they just can't see the impending pitfalls.

Another self-created booby-trap is the recovery theme. Though I do agree with some elements of the notion of "recovery," it placed demands of WL to always come up with new lights and insights for his lackeys to "ooh and aah" over. The "four-in-one-God" was one such development. To the LC faithful, this is just a "natural progression of the N.T. revelation," but to real students of the Bible, this sounds alarms.

Personally, I like threads like this because it seems to follow the thought of Paul's admonishment in Hebrews 5.14, but these forums seem to have little tolerance for this strain of thought, as was again evidenced with the recent debate and subsequent departure of ZNP. Perhaps with all of Igzy's vast linguistic skills, he can succeed where others have failed.
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