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Old 11-28-2011, 03:37 PM   #7
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Default Re: God is Sovereign


I keep reading your opening post and the very sound of someone severing a relationship with the parting words that "God is sovereign" just sounds nothing short of nonsensical. Sort of like a suicide bomber shouting "Praise Allah!" as he pushes the detonation button, or the inquisitor proclaiming "Hail Mary . . . !" as he orders an alleged witch thrown into the water tied to a boulder to see if they will float.

In other words, even if there can be meaning in the particular statements, there is no meaning in the context in which uttered. To say "God is sovereign" as you sever relations with someone does not seem to mean anything particular. If God is sovereign, then He is the judge of the situation, not the parties to the dispute. Therefore, if I would like to declare that God is sovereign, then I should be prepared to discover that:
  • I have no basis for being partisan in the situation.
  • I am the one at fault no matter how right I think I am.
  • The other is at fault, but if God were sovereign I would overlook the error and remain in fellowship.
  • God really doesn't care about our petty dispute.
I'm sure that there are other possibilities. But simply saying "God is sovereign" does not establish a basis of severing fellowship. And it doesn't establish the correctness of an action.

It sounds more like sprinkling holy water on beef and trying to declare it to be fish.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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