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Old 11-22-2011, 02:24 PM   #154
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post

Witness Lee has delivered more messages on salvation by faith through the blood of Jesus Christ than have been posted in this forum all posters combined you included.

If you don't agree with the teachings of Witness Lee or Watchman Nee, those that are their "particular teachings" such as the ground of the church then no one is insisting that you do and no one is even asking you to believe. It is fair and healthy to assess those teachings in light of the Bible and on their own merits.

However, if anyone believes they are qualified to judge WL righteously based on his shortcomings and failures then they should at least extend us the courtesy to disclose their own shortcomings and failures publicly so we can decide whether they are qualified to judge.

That is the thing that I find the most disconcerting: That brothers and sisters will without hesitation presume to sit on the judgment seat of Christ and usurp His headship and act as if they themselves are qualified to do so because they are without sin or failure.

The issue is not to sit in judgment. The issue is to deal with misconceptions about who he was. He and his followers have made some pretty lofty claims for him, calling him the minister of the age, and so forth. By these claims they attempt to put pressure on the lives of others. This pressure has caused considerable damage to people, and it's inexcusable.

They set the bar high, no one else did. They made that bed, now they need to own it. It's pretty late in the day to cop a plea of, "Aw shucks everyone. WL was just a simple bible teacher among many. He should be judged the same as anyone else."

No. If you or your followers claim you are someone exceedingly special, if you or your followers radically influence lives based on those claims, then you darn sure need to be held to a higher standard than anyone else. That is only right.
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