Originally Posted by Cassidy
I assume this sophomoric counter argument is meant for me so thanks for the opportunity to respond. Yet you are truly straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
In another thread you turn a complete blind eye to a poster who claimed that WL was not "clean" because of his sins therefore his ministry should be discarded too. The premise of that argument is even worse than the one OBW made because that argument suggests that the blood of Christ is not efficacious for that brother (WL). What poster has a right to make such a declaration? None. Yet it is part and parcel to the attitudes expressed in this forum such as yours where people seat themselves in the judgment seat reserved for Christ and Christ alone.
You let that camel slip right down without so much as hiccup.
Again this argument is false. No one made the case that the blood of Jesus is not good enough for WL, and no one intended to. The fact that you see some way that what someone said could be interpreted in such a way does not show it was meant that way. "Clean" can have several meanings.
You are simply putting words in someone's mouth, I assume in a attempt to diminish his larger point. That's called a red herring.