Originally Posted by Unreg
To me, I disliked WL's condemnation of other Christians and of other ministries more than any other thing he taught. I think it was his willingness to condemn others which made it so easy to also sue them and even slander them. So I found it very funny that someone would teach that we could condemn all of WL's teachings based on these very same sins. The irony and hypocrisy just seemed overwhelmingly funny, to me. If you were going to decide that everything he did was poisoned, why wouldn't you conclude that condemning others was first and foremost on that list, take warning, and not do it? Why wouldn't you instead conclude that it was WL's pride and arrogance that caused him to think that it was his place to condemn other ministries?
Great points.
Too bad you haven't registered and addressed other ironies, but that's your decision. You can add much to the discussion.
I also have been restricted from a wholesale condemnation of WL/LSM/LC's because it is just not right to do that, even though we were instructed by WL in this way, and it is often difficult not to do. Thus I have attempted to limit my posts to those actions by LC leaders which directly have hurt others, without throwing out everything WL taught and worked for the Lord.
For me personally, what WL and his minions have done to other brothers, who were once a part of the Recovery, who have no other fault than to speak their conscience in an attempt to right the wrongs and expose the evils of the Recovery system, is the most egregious part of WL's ministry. I was there for many years being fooled that LC leadership was filled with God-fearing, holy men who placed the Lord's interests ahead of their own. Boy was I wrong!