Originally Posted by UntoHim
ZNP and others,
Let's go ahead and keep this thread open. I think it has expanded and developed into something much broader then any issues surrounding this book. Actually this book was published as a kind of red herring - we all know that the "pray-reading" as practiced in the Local Church bears little to no resemblance to what is presented in the book. The simple truth is that most of the criticisms of the practice of pray-reading are valid. Whether or not it has it's origins from the Far East or not, the criticisms are valid and are fair game for discussions here on the Forum.
Can you start a new thread on Pray reading? What you mention here is not at all what I intended to discuss, I was merely responding to a question about how to fellowship with someone. Because I had started this thread and the post was directed at me I feel I was dragged back into this forum. I would prefer it if that does not happen again.