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Old 11-20-2011, 09:11 AM   #144
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
The ground of the church that David Canfield writes about is basically what the Local Church teaches concerning oneness among believers and the practical church life around the world. But the Local Churches have a special oneness also that tacitly requires of its members a universal accord with a universal leadership and ministry. This emphasis causes division and makes them sectarian.

When I began to address the causes of division in the Local Churches, I was put out of the church by some leaders in full exhibition of their sectarian mindset. There was no ground for them to put me out, as I was seeking meaningful discussion and mutual fellowship with them over points of my concern.

Finally, after ten years of being ignored and misrepresented by LC leaders, I filed a lawsuit for defamation of character. I did this to get their attention over their divisive ways, coverups, and abuses of the saints. My goal was for their repentance and return to Christ alone for the building up of His Body in love in every place.

It has been a year, November 2010, since I filed the lawsuit, and did not talk about it till word came to testing123 about it and he shared this news, in part, on the forum which DJ then confirmed officially days later, Jan 2011.



Initial appeal letter included

Sister’s Enouragement

Steve Isitt
Nov. 19, 2011

If your goal is to get others to repent then it appears that whatever you have tried in the past has not worked. Therefore, your expectations are overstated and your techniques are ineffectual.

If you want acceptance in the local church fellowship then you obviously need to satisfy their requests. You refused so we can assume that you don't a restoration of fellowship.

Else, for the long haul you appear to be in that middle place without a home and lacking inner rest.

By the way, using the legal system to settle matters of religious disputes is frowned upon by the civil courts. You would have to show how being ostracized without cause impacted your financial standing. Not easy to do. Not getting counter sued and/or being ignored is probably the best you can hope for under the circumstances.

Hope you find the real rest, wherever that may be.

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