Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield
Unreg Guest,
I appreciate your tenacity, but….
Saying that you disliked Witness Lee’s condemnation of other Christians and other ministries is kind of like saying that the only thing you don’t like about chocolate milk is the chocolate and the milk.
Witness Lee’s pride and arrogance (which are legendary) were a natural outcome of the hero worship he received from his followers. I should know, I was one of them for many years. Witness Lee never broke the principle that “Jesus is Lord”, so I’m not sure why you bring this up, however whether or not he was a true servant to God is now up for review, and whether you like it or not the jury is composed of me, other members of this forum, and many other Christians who may or may not have any experience with the Local Church. My PERSONAL opinion is that Witness Lee, as an “apostle”, has been tried and found to be false. So it naturally follows that his teachings, most if not all of the major ones, cannot be trusted. We can haggle over each and every one of the major teachings and practices, and this is one reason why this forum exists.
“everything a sister teaches is invalid because Paul forbid sisters to teach”. Could you please point me to where anybody (sister or brother) is teaching here on the forum? We are all here just discussing as far as I’m concerned. Sorry if you feel like a sister is getting the best of you here in the discussions, but lashing out is not going to get you back in ballgame; just step up to the plate, take a swing, and if you strikeout just walk back to the dugout like everybody else and hope for better results next time. I’ve been struck out by some sisters quite a number of times. Hey, it happens. Actually you’re kind of lucky – there is a certain sister out there in the bullpen who you would not want to face…….. just sayin.
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11