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Old 11-17-2011, 05:29 AM   #132
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield


You post all those things about the alleged oracle of God, and don't seem to understand that it points to the fact that the foundational teachings of the group you continually want to get back into is based on the theology of a man that the apostle Paul would have ordered to keep silent in the church. To have refused a forum to teach. That is, if Paul didn't expel him altogether until he repented for placing his immoral son at the helm of his "ministry."

I know that many have claimed to understand your quandary. But I cannot. The cancer that Lee spread cannot be washed away by so-called high peak teachings. But any claim of great teachings can be washed away by such cancer. It is the very connection of the cancer and the source of the teachings that makes those teachings so very suspect. The soiled platter on which the alleged feast of theology was presented should not only make you worry about the platter, but the meal itself. You can't get blessings and cursings from the same mouth. Or sustenance and poison from the same kitchen. If there is poison, then it is all poisoned. If the poison was added to something of truth, then it can be found somewhere else. Quit trying to find the antidote for poison that will continually be streaming from the kitchen, meal after meal, as you hope for one of those tasty meals of the 60s or early 70s. They were poisoned too. Just not as obviously so.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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