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Old 11-16-2011, 08:34 AM   #240
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I just listened to an interview Sandusky gave in '99 explaining that he was retiring in order to devote his time to helping young kids with his charity. Since it is pretty well established that he was forced to retire as a result of being caught in '98 I am not buying the idea that the people who allowed Sandusky to continue working with children in the guise of doing charity work were "good" people or those doing "good" work. Forcing him to retire was all about self protection, allowing him to continue as he did, unimpeded, is truly a horrific and cowardly act by all who knew what he had done and had the power to put a stop to it.
Can't agree more, that's why it is so egregious when people in power coverup the crimes of others.

Right now even the new PA governor, a former prosecutor and attorney general, who replaced that casino-friendly, liberal "what-what" former governor, is involved. Why would Joe Pa place his home in his wife's name just weeks before the grand jury report came out? Why would the former district attorney disappear, never to be found, while investigating the Penn State scandal? There's lots of nasty critters and snakes hiding out under those rocks in Happy Valley! The time has finally come to turn these rocks over!

When I first apprehended the incredible fall from grace occurring at Penn State, nearby the home of many an in-law of mine, I had to consider if somehow God was involved. Did the lid blow off the coverup because our God truly is righteous and just, caring for orphans and widows? Did the mighty fall from grace because our God truly is holy and jealous, not allowing human idols to steal His Son's glory in the hearts of His many lost sheep?

Is the same happening to LSM? I have witnessed brothers (like Ed Marks) glorying and extolling all the wonders of the man WL well beyond the praises due to His Firstborn Son. For decades LSM leadership has been hiding and spinning their unrighteousness in order to maintain some pristine image of godliness. They love the form, yet deny the reality. They have placed their own slimy mud on the faces of godly men (like John Ingalls) in order to preserve a false image of ministry cleanliness. They called it "quarantining the leprous rebels" then they told us not to check it out or we might "touch death."

Today the Nittany Lion Nation faces the same heart-wrenching quandary as many of us former LC members. For decades we held WL in such high regard. We were convinced he was more than a minister, he was more than special to both God and man. We believed his standards of excellence were impeccable. WL was the recovery, and the recovery was WL! We were convinced that his ministry had only brought glory to His holy name and had served the children of God richly.

Then we learned the truth. Lots of what we were told was simply hype. What was hiding under all those "rocks" at LSM. Could they be overturned and face the shining light of the sun? Like Nittany Lion Nation, the Recovery "Nation" has to decide who and what to believe. Because leaders and "responsible" people will never admit to the actual truth, the rest of us are forced to take sides. No wonder things get a little contentious. Occasionally even this forum needs a little "pepper spray."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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