Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield
Oneness, righteousness and holiness are all important. So are grace and forgiveness. Ultimately, then, all things considered, the bottom line is conscience, because it is the only means to evaluate the proper application of any of these other values.
This is why freedom is a requirement, and why condemning people as they walk out the door of whatever group you attach yourself to is out of bounds. Such condemnation denies people of the right to exercise their consciences. I think this is why the Lord said it was a sin to call our brother a "rebel." Such far-reaching evaluations are beyond our purview.
Further, this is why the LRC's presumption of broadcasting to the whole world which brothers to avoid and quarantine is so off-the-charts wrong. They have no right to do such a thing. It is one thing for one local congregation to decide a certain brother is not welcome. That's biblical. It's another for them to advise every other congregation they know to steer clear of him, too. That is assuming knowledge and authority they do not have.
And a ministry organization like LSM has no business advising, let alone insisting, that a group of churches close the door to certain people. The motive of "keeping the Recovery pure" is an invalid justification for ostracizing anyone, particularly since "the Recovery" is not a biblical entity.