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Old 11-15-2011, 05:12 AM   #121
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Thanks for your response. I disagree with you on Acts 2... the one accord is relevant as mentioned in the verse "they were all in one accord...." unless you regard that insertion to be equal with something like "and it was a bright and sunny day"

However, I'd like to address this point you made if I may.

You said: "And once within the confines of the LRC, you can be one with others in the LRC, but not really with any others because they are declared to be "not one" by your very stance. Where is the oneness in that?"

Your argument above is like saying that a group of people who believe in freedom forfeit that stance if they won't embrace dictators. After all, dictators should have the freedom to be dictators. In fact, those who embrace true freedom are exclusive in their stance and they compromise their stance if they were to allow dictatorship ideas as part of their platform.

Oneness is like that also. Oneness does not mean that division must be embraced. On the contrary oneness is like freedom and division must be rejected else the oneness is compromised.

I am speaking about the oneness defined in the Bible and not any extra-biblical kind of oneness.
Since no one is talking about dictators, you might as well have likened everyone else to Hitler. It makes the argument against the LRC all the more simple. They do not see what is, but rather what they would like it to be.

25 years ago, the manager of our tax department noted that when our shareholder's tax lawyers got together, they sometimes went off into the most bizarre tangents. He likened it to arguing that the sky was green. And so much of the LRC claims against Christianity is just like that. It is empty rhetoric designed to convince the listener of things that are so far from true that it is hard to believe that anyone could even accept it as true. Unless they do not have eyes to see what is true while listening to the lies that proceed from the mouth of first Lee, then the BBs.

Point to specific ones who are like dictators if you will. They are not the whole of Christianity any more than some specific LRC elder is the whole of the LRC. But the fact that you look out at Christianity and see only dictators and fiefdoms evidences that you see through a lens of distortion. A darkened lens in which colors lose their distinction and shadows become something of substance to fear.

In the darkness, shadows become something something of substance and that which casts the shadow is not seen for what it is. You are not the source of the error or the lens. But in the darkness of the LRC, the picture that was so carefully painted for you has been believed. And I dare say that if you step out of the LRC to observe Christianity more closely, you will likely continue to see what you expect — at least until you force yourself to see it without the prejudice (pre-judging) of the LRC.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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