Originally Posted by Paul Cox
Anyway, one thing is indisputable. The Catholic Church decided to forgo righteousness in favor of their brand of oneness. We know how that works out. In fact, when their clergy circles the wagons around someone accused of pedophilia today they are favoring "oneness" over righteousness.
The current scandal at Penn State is another example of how powerful men forgo the matter of righteousness and place their program, their own futures, their university, their own reputations, and the so-called "greater good" first and foremost. It may sound good for a season, but that is not the Lord's way.
Wouldn't it have been far better for the nation of Israel
not to have known about the death of some insignificant Hittite soldier named Uriah? For goodness sake, he was not even a full-blooded Hebrew.
Why all the commotion? Why did Nathan the prophet have to make such a big deal about the king's "personal life?" Were not David's job approval "ratings" at an all time high?
But those are exactly the things that our God cares about. He takes keen interest in all the minor matters of righteousness, and appears little concerned for most of our "loftier" goals, such as our success, our reputation, and our financial gain. Our God cares far more about the details of righteousness than we could ever imagine. Though He loved David immensely, He could not allow the "privileges" of earthly kings to contaminate David with unrighteousness.
Think about it. God could have made sure that no one ever found out David's sin. Neither did he discipline David privately. The whole nation knew and also suffered the consequences. The story has been told and retold for 3,000 years.