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Old 11-14-2011, 05:40 AM   #112
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Default Re: Regarding the Ground of Locality - David Canfield

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Your logic is that a Catholic, a Baptist, a Church of Christ member, and an Episcopal who practice righteousness are becoming more one for example than a Catholic, a Baptist, a Church of Christ member, and an Episcopal who decide to meet together by dropping all those things that previously separated them to pray and fellowship in Christ.
The issue is not how one they are with each other within their assembly, but how one they are with those of all assemblies. Your solution requires that others be abandoned and there be no oneness with them because they will not drop the differences and agree on so much.

I know that you will claim that the agreement is only on the essentials, but the practice would make that claim a lie. Disagreement with nonessential teachings of Lee, or the BBs, and anything published by the LSM is grounds for excommunication. Where is the oneness in that?

And once within the confines of the LRC, you can be one with others in the LRC, but not really with any others because they are declared to be "not one" by your very stance. Where is the oneness in that?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I disagree because the testimony of scripture (Acts 2) says:

"1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place . . . ."

The promise of the Holy Spirit was poured out when a number of the disciples of the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem were all with one accord in one place.
This is the creation of formula by observation. An anecdote becomes the reason for the outpouring of the Spirit. Yes, "they" were all there. At least all that were there. Those that weren't there were not there. That is the place that the Spirit was poured out. Those that were there were there. So they were all there.

Find for me the "clear" inference that one of them being missing would deny the outpouring. The point was not particularly where they were. It was that they had done as they were told and it was the day of Pentecost. They were told to wait in Jerusalem. And they obeyed. And those that were there were there. The Spirit was going to be poured out there. That does not mean that you have to know the right place after that time.

This is where Harold's "cargo cult" comments are actually very appropriate. Because Jesus commanded that they wait in Jerusalem and that is where the Holy Spirit first out-poured, then we have to define our meetings in such a way that we can replicate those conditions to get it again. (Now why is it that Lee was not charismatic/Pentecostal?) There is no ongoing command to meet together in one place. But on that day "they" were in one place. And they were in one accord.

I do not diminish the significance of that time. Of their obedience. But the command was to wait there for the Spirit. And he came. We are no longer waiting on the Spirit in that way. We are going out. We have had our huddle. It is time to execute the plays.
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