Originally Posted by Terry
I would add listening to a radio program last night, the host raised the same points and added, how could the grad-assistant come to work each day and have to deal with the sexual predator he witnessed? How come he never asked why is he still working?
Yes in the local churches, the promotions were similar. I don't know about KR, but obviously RG and BP were rewarded for their silence about PL. They knew. Just read Speaking the Truth in Love. Ray and Phillip admitted as much to John and Ken. How many others knew? DT-Long Beach, MC, DT-Fullerton, etc. The coverup was widely effective that those that remain in the local churches probably regard the purported events as rumors.
There are other comparisons as well. I heard that the Sandusky issue was well known among coaches nationwide. Similar to everything about LSM being broadcast on this and other forums.
However, if the latest story about this Penn State horror is true then there is a big contrast between the world and the LRC. The LRC will really look like a bunch of saints by comparison.