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Old 11-09-2011, 05:11 AM   #227
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
My concern is that true repentance for "silence when something should have been said" needs to be made out loud to the people to whom the silence mattered. The fact that we are not hearing from so many of these, like TC, indicates to me that even if they have reconsidered their position or their silence, they have not truly repented. Their "sin" was a trespass against others and should be repented of to those others. Repentance to God is needed. But it is not over until you repent to those against whom your trespass was made.
I was once of a group mindset in the GLA that TC was the antithesis of backbiting politics simply because he was so critical face-to-face with those he worked with. Most thought that his kind of honesty was a desirable alternative to the more popular man-pleasing style of "oneness" in the Recovery.

When it came to confronting WL, his profligate sons, and those lackey blendeds, however, and making known how innocent young ones had been hurt by LSM, then the politics of silence took over. When expedient, TC was silent, and when expedient, TC was outspoken and overly candid. Both are also characteristic of politicians. Thank the Lord that ones like John So, John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, Albert Zehr, Godfred, Al Knoch were not playing politics. They suffered for their convictions, willing to lay it all on the altar for His interests.

There is inherent danger in any long-tenured position of power. Doesn't power corrupt? Once power is obtained, self-preservation of that power becomes prominent. This is why I like term limits for politicians, but I know that will never happen. Imagine those in power deciding to place limits on their own power?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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