Originally Posted by Ohio
It is ones like TC, who maintained his silence while knowing better, who most resembles Joe Pa.
The media apparently isn't giving JoePa a free pass. Their rhetorical questions have been about JoePa is when did JoePa ever go back to his superior to find out if anything was going to be done about it. It's as if he brought it up once and if nothing was going to be done about it, JoePa was not about to make it an issue. Just as in the late 80's brothers were not going to make an issue that certain other brothers had to do in good conscience.
For all we know brother's like TC have repented for their silence when something should have been said. Same thing can be said for each one of us who eventually repented when we should have been those who said "this far and no further". I realize God is sovereign and it's a lesson I needed to learn.
It's a lesson of fearing God much much more than fearing man.