Originally Posted by Peter Debelak
I agree. And I'm not sure Canfield would disagree with you. You are right that only one group uses language like this - and that insistance on the language gives rise to exclusivity. But that also happens to be the group Canfield is in (or emerging from). Its part of the vocabular and its a contentious part - which is why he's addressing it.
I understand — at least a little. My problem is that it is so hard to figure out where some of these people are coming from. Since many of the players in the GLA drama are not familiar to me (even when I was in the LRC — except for TC) I "can't tell one from another without a program."
And I thought I remembered Canfield as being one who did a fair bit of fence-hopping when the TC thing came down, leaving me entirely unsure of his stance on anything. And when I read this particular bit he wrote, I get no clear sense. As an outsider (now) I am more cognizant of the things said that place him squarely within the LRC camp. And even the things you read that indicate to you that he is stepping — or at least looking — outside of the old LRC dogmas is not apparent to me. It looks more like "inter-league play" within the LSM and non-LSM flavors of the LRC.
I realize that some will legitimately suggest that I am giving too little respect to the changes happening in the non-LSM assemblies. That is not my intent. And I realize that there is significant variation among those assemblies. But since there are those who are beginning to doubt the significance of the ground of dirt, and other teachings, whether Canfield is discussing it from the perspective of an insider or an outsider (in terms of the LSM) is not clear to me. I have good reason to defer to your thoughts on the subject.
But it just shows how muddy the whole thing is getting. While I would expect the rhetoric from the BBs and the LSM in general to sound like standard LSM dogma, just because the dogma is somewhat missing from the writing of others does not mean that I can figure out which team they are playing for.
Anyway, thanks for the info. BTW. Where doe Canfield stand at the present?