Originally Posted by Ohio
In my observation of close to 35 years with the Recovery along with my study of the Plymouth Brethren, I have not seen how the ground of locality has ever helped the believers to be one in Christ, rather this teaching and practice eventually assisted them in being proud and narrow-minded, and in the end, more divided than ever.
If a "ground of oneness" gives rise to a vigalence to be open and embracing, and conversely skeptical of statements of exclusivity, then I am behind it.
If it fosters a sense to "establish" something, then I think we're getting into God's exclusive territory.
The more I interact with other Christians - and their groups - the more I realize the primacy of the gospel and not the levels we add on to it. In fact, the more just try to live my fumbling life with the relationships within it, the more I realilze the primacy of my need for a savior and the "building" that accomlishes as it plays out...