Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 10-27-2011, 09:25 AM   #1354
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
1. Very little attention paid to the importance of family: "Take care of the church and God will take care of your children." "Don't miss any meetings." "Use all your spare time for the church including your vacation time."

2. Hyper-spirituality

3. Witness Lee not being a role model of proper and effective parenting

4. The Two Babylons book that was promoted by Witness Lee and others

5. The mentality that everything was "worldly" except church activities, publications, friends, etc.
Here's my responses to 1-4.

1. It changes from household to household. Some may have sold out completely to "take care of the church and God will take care of your children". Some may have let it go through one ear and out the other.
I would ask if you take care of the church, don't miss any meetings, and use your vacation time for conferences and trainings, what happens when your family goes through hard times? Will the church be there?

My response would be those in the church who you're built up with may be supportive, but when the rubber meets the road, no one can be more counted on than family.
Being raised in the local churches, my family went through hard times. When my parents were separated, it wasn't the church that helped out my family financially. Meaning there are churches in my town where one my own homes it rents out to hardship cases from it's congregation. Another church has a fund set aside for help out hardship cases from it's congregation.
Just so I'm not being one-sided, when the rental my family lived in burned down, it was our locality that did step up in a way no other local church has that I had met with (as a child or adult).

2. Hyper-spirituality: I think that's just a facade; an outward form. Anyone can be "spiritual" without needing to be expressive about it. It's not what you say, but how you live.

3 & 4: I knew nothing about.

5. The concept impressed upon me as a child and adult was anything connected to the recovery was not worldly and everything not -connected to the recovery was worldly. For example there's no distinction between Christians meeting outside the local churches than non-believers who live to their own vices.
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