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Old 10-21-2011, 12:04 PM   #213
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
First part of your quoted post:
In general how can a brother speak such a word? Just because a brother or sister is not in some teaching or minister capacity, they're still members of the Body. As members of the Body, they have direct access to the Father just as any leading brother does. In a roundabout way Ohio, my suggestion is the "opinion of the people" could very well be less of an opinion, but the pulse of the Body.

Why those in leadership past and present reject such a feeling, it is because those in leadership feel they alone know "the feeling of the Body". Leadership want to take a certain direction, and when the congregation are resistant to the direction, it's the congregation's shortcomings.
Terry, you hit the home run! (Go Rangers!)

How in the world could LSM know "the feeling of the Body" when the body of Christ is not allowed to express an opinion?

Just another hypocrisy flowing out from the cesspool in Anaheim ...
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