Originally Posted by UntoHim
This is the kind of nonsense you get from people who have insulated and isolated themselves from the balance that comes from the Body of Christ. It's also the kind of talk that can get your group labeled as a cult.Besides, if leaders are so weak that one person's "opinion" is that big of a deal then they should not be leaders.
It all depends what the "opinion" is, doesn't it?
If the "opinion" exposes leadership unrighteousness and abuse, then the leaders have cause to be concerned, don't they?
This is where LC leadership plays word games with the flock of God. They take certain serious concerns among the saints and then call them "opinions." Then they begin to tell the saints how dangerous it is to be an opinionated person, giving examples from the Bible like those "
gossips and busybodies, going house to house, speaking things they ought not." This is manipulative and deceitful.