Originally Posted by Unregistered
I'm actually a different unregistered. Anyhow, it all sounds so wonderful, doesn't it. Unregistered alpha, you make good point about it being an infomercial for Titus Chu, there was some serious gushing going on there. If only the saints could gush about our Lord in that way after conferences & trainings instead of: "Titus said..." or "I like what Titus brought out..." or the classic "I really appreciated what Titus shared about..."
The referenced Fellowship Journal had an article from the recent Elders/Workers Conference, and this segment is what was shared by TC concerning Laodicea --
What is Laodicea? When the brothers overly try to love one another, there is the danger that the leaders will allow the opinions of the saints to prevail over the Spirit as to how the church life is practiced. One saint can influence the leading of a church simply by having an opinion and then insisting upon it. When that happens, the Spirit can no longer lead.
This is the most absurd interpretation I have ever heard. What about "
the opinions of the leaders prevailing over the Spirit?" This interpretation is based upon WL's teaching that the word "Laodicea" is based upon the "opinion of the people."
Laodicea is actually produced by the proud and arrogant presumption by the leadership that what we got is better than all other Christians. Further to this is the condemnation passed to the rest of the body of Christ by the ministry. Laodicea has nothing to do with the saints loving each other too much. That is just ridiculous. The real problem has its roots in the ministry. But TC never would acknowledge that, instead he uses the age-old WL strategy of blaming the saints for the failed works of evil workers.
Then, after the message is given, his loyal lackeys must stand up and pay the homage of: "
Titus said..." or "I like what Titus brought out..." or the classic "I really appreciated what Titus shared about...," or else face a rebuke at the next gathering.
So it's no wonder that the LC church history tends to repeat itself! Their leaders never accept any responsibility for their failures!