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Old 10-20-2011, 07:07 AM   #203
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
In the January 2011 edition of "Fellowship Journal" published by Titus Chu's ministry they is an article about the history of the LC in Ohio. It seems to me it is nothing but an infomercial for Titus Chu no different than what we would expect from the Blended Brothers in their promotion of Witness Lee. And like the Witness Lee promotions the article neglects to point out anything "negative" about Titus Chu and his ill-treatment of coworkers through the years. Personally I find such "histories" to be shoddy and disingenuous.
I could have written this post too.

Seems like "Unregistered" has a similar pedigree as I. Personally, I have migrated with others to start two LC's in the GLA, only to watch both of them nearly destroyed by TC manipulations and abuses. For many years, after TC abuses created serious tensions, I was forced to choose between local elders and TC in Cleveland. How many precious brothers have departed from the GLA for no other reason than they "had a problem with TC?" These were just "coded words" to explain brothers who had left after being abused and publicly shamed by TC.
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