Originally Posted by Unregistered
In the January 2011 edition of "Fellowship Journal" published by Titus Chu's ministry they is an article about the history of the LC in Ohio. It seems to me it is nothing but an infomercial for Titus Chu no different than what we would expect from the Blended Brothers in their promotion of Witness Lee. And like the Witness Lee promotions the article neglects to point out anything "negative" about Titus Chu and his ill-treatment of coworkers through the years. Personally I find such "histories" to be shoddy and disingenuous.
Link to publication: http://ministrymessages.org/fj-jan-2011/
I'm actually a different unregistered. Anyhow, it all sounds so wonderful, doesn't it. Unregistered alpha, you make good point about it being an infomercial for Titus Chu, there was some serious gushing going on there. If only the saints could gush about our Lord in that way after conferences & trainings instead of: "Titus said..." or "I like what Titus brought out..." or the classic "I really appreciated what Titus shared about..."