Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 10-17-2011, 05:21 AM   #1351
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I agree with you! The LC is a tiny fringe sub culture with it's own set of mores, rituals, lifestyle, etc. and is an unhealthy place for children to grow up because it is essentially a "bubble" with no connection to real life outside of it. Many children who grew up in the LC during the 60s and 70s were not allowed to watch TV, listen to the radio, play sports, dance, celebrate Christmas, Easter or birthdays. Their parents would use their vacation time to go to conferences and trainings held by Mr. Lee. And parents publicly burned photos of their children at "burnings" in parks which were based on the burning of witchcraft books in Acts while their children stood by and watched. Many families were uprooted and children pulled out of schools mid-semester to migrate or consolidate for the "Lord's" move (read: Lee's move). With such turbulent childhoods is it any wonder many grew up, left the LC and found it difficult to function in society outside the crazy world they grew up in?
It just drives me crazy thinking about how we could never celebrate Christmas with our families due to distant pagan origins, but we were allowed as a church to celebrate Chinese New Year in order to "preach the gospel."

Imagine that, living in America, and the only holiday we could safely celebrate was Chinese New Year in February.
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