Originally Posted by Unregistered
I know this thread is very old but I am, essentially, a product of the LCS factor. I am child raised in the Lord's Recovery movement, but I am 22 now with a fully developed mind of reason. I was born in 1988 and accepted Christianity at a young age going to children's meetings. My family is fully enveloped by everything about the Local Church/Recovery/Whatever the hell..
I remember going to young peoples conferences, out of state conferences, summer school of truth; it was fun, but I think essentially meaningless for spiritual growth. In fact all of these events and conferences enforced social rule over my life as a young person growing up by my parents. I was not allowed some freedoms until I reached a certain age, I couldnt hangout with certain people because of what they believed in, my mom burned my dragon badge that I earned in Tae Kwon Do because the of the demon bullcrap which Christians profess about in general. I realized growing up that this is all nonsense, the whole calling on the lord concept was great because I never felt a thing. No happiness, no peace; almost always social anxiety and distress.
My whole take on the whole movement is that it can ruin children, especially if they grow up with differing view points. I fully believe that these kids are being brainwashed and are unable to grow up in a safe and secular environment and are unable to choose what they want to believe, such was my path. And If they did want to believe in anything else, their parents would essentially disown them. This movement needs to change their ways and perceptions quickly because this is the next big christian fundamentalist movement in America. Btw, I am essentially an apathiest, I support gay rights, I support science and critical thinking, and I having a loving girlfriend of four years.
Dear Guest,
I am glad that you posted, but I am so sorry to hear about your mistreatment in the Local Church. Although I did not grow up in the Local Church, I did begin there at just about your current age. At first, I was very excited about the Lord and really enjoyed all the things that went on in the Church. As time went on, as we were being encouraged to give our all for the Church, I began to realize that things were not so good. As I got older and had two sons, this meant that they didn’t get the nurturing that they deserved from Christian parents. It is very unfortunate that parents with good intentions end up sacrificing their children for a Christian movement, when that is not what should have happened.
Eventually, I realized the error of my ways and turned away from the Local Church and all of its activities. I apologized to both of my sons for neglecting them and attempted to make up for some of the lost time. Maybe one day, one or both of your parents will be able to realize that they didn’t do right by you. Surely you are a gift from God who was given to them and are worth more than they could ever imagine. It was not right for the Church to rob you of your parents, and I’m sorry that that happened to you.
It has taken me a long time to admit as an adult, who chose the way of the Local Church, that it robbed me of much of my faith. God had only my best interests at heart and was waiting for me to lean on Him as my true Father, but I ended up leaning on Witness Lee and his leaders for direction. I finally realized that the Church group that I had given my life to had gone down the road of deceitfulness, dishonesty, and corruption and that I had lost my trust in God. It has been a long road coming back to my faith in Him alone.
I encourage you to pray to the Lord Himself in a real way for your own needs rather than to try to implement any techniques you learned in the Local Church. He is real, and He will make Himself real to you. It is a shame that your parents failed you and that the Church failed you—that ought not to have happened—but know that the Lord will not fail you. Do not pay much attention to what you were taught in the Local Church; read the Bible for yourself and talk to Him, and you will find His way for you.
Over time, I do trust that He will help you pick up the pieces of your life and find your way with Him. Looking on the bright side, consider that you have already seen one of the most extreme forms of Christianity, and you have that under your belt as a good lesson of what not to do.
Your heavenly Father loves you even when those on the earth who are supposed to love you do not do so properly. There is faith, hope, and love. I will pray for you that you experience all three in abundance.
In His love with you,
P.S.: A book I’ve enjoyed that you might find helpful is
Jesus Loves Me by H. L. Roush, Sr.