Re: The LCS Factor
I know this thread is very old but I am, essentially, a product of the LCS factor. I am child raised in the Lord's Recovery movement, but I am 22 now with a fully developed mind of reason. I was born in 1988 and accepted Christianity at a young age going to children's meetings. My family is fully enveloped by everything about the Local Church/Recovery/Whatever the hell..
I remember going to young peoples conferences, out of state conferences, summer school of truth; it was fun, but I think essentially meaningless for spiritual growth. In fact all of these events and conferences enforced social rule over my life as a young person growing up by my parents. I was not allowed some freedoms until I reached a certain age, I couldnt hangout with certain people because of what they believed in, my mom burned my dragon badge that I earned in Tae Kwon Do because the of the demon bullcrap which Christians profess about in general. I realized growing up that this is all nonsense, the whole calling on the lord concept was great because I never felt a thing. No happiness, no peace; almost always social anxiety and distress.
My whole take on the whole movement is that it can ruin children, especially if they grow up with differing view points. I fully believe that these kids are being brainwashed and are unable to grow up in a safe and secular environment and are unable to choose what they want to believe, such was my path. And If they did want to believe in anything else, their parents would essentially disown them. This movement needs to change their ways and perceptions quickly because this is the next big christian fundamentalist movement in America. Btw, I am essentially an apathiest, I support gay rights, I support science and critical thinking, and I having a loving girlfriend of four years.