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Old 08-03-2008, 06:36 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by OBW View Post
"The more a person wants to be an authority or a great one, the less we can entrust him with authority ... When a man is standing tall, God can never use him."

I guess this was Lee's problem. He stood so tall in his own mind. He was the apostle of the age. He was the oracle of God (or was it just the oracle of some god?). He was the one with the ministry of the age. He was the one that his followers quoted — not the scripture.
OBW, somehow we felt that WL was immune from this because he was the one teaching it. We always felt his message was for everyone else, especially since he made himself the "judge of all things christian."

I remember a rebuttal book written after the quarantine of the late 80's. RK and KR were rebutting the "16 points" made in Anaheim. The question was posed in the book, "can we honor WL too much?" I was fully persuaded by the argument they made. It was "right" to honor WL as much as we did.

It took the recent quarantines of TC/NT to de-drug me of these concepts. Me and many others.
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