Thread: Curious Sister
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Old 09-20-2011, 08:38 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Curious Sister

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
On the contrary what is needed is grace, grace, and more grace.
Just to express what happened today at ERCC. One of the elders has been meeting with the assembly for 26 years and now he's choosen to meet elsewhere in part his needs and his wife's needs aren't being met. Instead of alienation, this brother was thanked for his years of serving, prayed for, and blessed.
This excerpt from my post was done with those that left in the late 80's in mind. Many had been present since 1962-1964. A fair comparison to the elder from ERCC who decided to leave after 26 years. Much turmoil would have been avoided instead of writing multiple negative books (specific and in innuendo) about the elders that left, give them grace, give them love, and give them thankfulness for their years of service. Even for ones who didn't leave on the best of terms.
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