Originally Posted by Unregistered
I feel that becoming a part of the local church saved my life in a very real way. I was a very lost and broken person who was in and out of mental hospitals and rehabs before i contacted the saints and gradually I healed and don't abuse drugs and alcohol like i did. The Lord did this all of course but the local church in my locality loved me when I was very unlovable and look me into there homes when I was in need.
I just can't deny how the Lord used the local church in my life. I feel to question at times is good but I just can't help but feel you are alienating the people you are trying to convince by putting us all in a category.
We are all part of the Church wherever we meet. The church/assembly/ecclesia where we meet is representative, but not comprehensive of the Christians in a given locality.
Curious sister, I am thankful you are loved and accepted as you are. We all have problems needing to be overcome. It is great encouragement.
Your last sentence however is indicative of the local churches; whether you are currently meeting or used to meet. It gets boiled down to an "Us and Them" attitude which results in alienation. It takes two to alienate. I think when saints leave, whether volunary or involuntarily, it becomes personal. On the contrary what is needed is grace, grace, and more grace.
Just to express what happened today at ERCC. One of the elders has been meeting with the assembly for 26 years and now he's choosen to meet elsewhere in part his needs and his wife's needs aren't being met. Instead of alienation, this brother was thanked for his years of serving, prayed for, and blessed.